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Colors and Style

Open the Size & Options panel from the left sidebar. It contains options and settings to change the chart’s colors and style.

Chart Colors

Select a color scheme for the chart. Most color schemes contain 10 colors. If you have more than 10 colored items in your chart, it’s recommended to use the Default20 color scheme, which has 20 colors.

For charts that contain a single color (line chart), it’s possible to select an individual color from the color scheme. First select a color scheme. Then, from the color drop down, select an individual color along the top row. This is the color that will appear in the chart.

It’s not possible at this time to assign individual colors on charts that contain more than one color.

X-Axis Width

A slider that sets the width of the x-axis. The value scale is in pixels, and the width can be set in 25 px increments.

Y-Axis Height

A slider that sets the height of the y-axis. The value scale is in pixels, and the height can be set in 25 px increments.

Options for Specific Chart Types

This section allows you to set options that only apply to one or more chart types.


Enable this toggle to normalize the chart. Works on the Stacked Bar and Grouped Area charts. Normalize will change the scale of the y-axis to a percentage of 100. It will look as though the plotted bars and area stretch to the top of the chart.

Horizontal Bars

Enable this toggle to show the bars of a Bar chart horizontally instead of vertically. This is useful when there is categorical info plotted on the x-axis that have long names. The long names are more easily read horizontally rather than vertically.

Auto Bin X

Enable this setting to create groups from numerical data in the X Axis. This is useful when there is a large number range in the X Axis and a smaller set of values is easier to visualize.

Auto Bin Groups

Enable this setting to create groups from numerical data in the Group Axis. This is useful when there is a large number range in the Group Axis and a smaller set of values is easier to visualize. Only applies to charts that have a Grouped Axis.