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Edit Data

Currently InstaCharts is geared toward datasets that require little editing. For example, it’s not possible to add a new column that wasn’t in the original spreadsheet.

Editing individual cells of the Sheet is possible. It’s also possible to replace all values in a single column with a different value. These edits apply to all charts within the sheet.

Editing Data

Edit mode will automically turn on if you’ve edited the sheet. For example, edit mode will turn on if you double click in a cell to edit it.

A Cancel and Save button will appear, and outside toolbars will become disabled.

To leave edit mode, either click Cancel or Save, to save any changes you have made.

Editing an individual cell. Edit mode is turned on in the top left data toolbar Editing an individual cell. Edit mode is turned on in the top left data toolbar

Editing Individual Cells

Double click a cell to edit its data. Once you are done editing the cell, either click outside of the cell or press enter to apply the change.

Editing Multiple Cells in a Column

Sometimes its useful to replace all values in a column with another value. Click on a cell who’s value you’d like to change, right click and select Replace Values. Type in a replacement value for the cell, and it will change all matching values within the column.

Easily switch chart types with the chart type dropdown
Easily replace short form data often found in spreadsheets (like 'C' for 'Cherbourg, France') with a more descriptive value for charting

This is useful for renaming categorical data. Ex: Replace M with Male through an entire column.

Saving Data Edits

Click the Save button to save any changes you have made. The saved edits will be applied to the underlying dataset of the sheet, and therefore all charts in the sheet will receive the updated data.

Edit Columns

To edit a column, open its menu from its top right corner.

Access each column's menu to edit it, set filters or delete it Access each column’s menu to edit it, set filters or delete it

Edit Column

Edit the column’s name here.

Delete Column

Will delete the column from the sheet. This cannot be undone.

Other types of editing

Need to reshape your data? Several Data Transformations are available in InstaCharts.