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Share Chart

InstaCharts allows you to easily share charts and data with others.

To share a chart, first make sure you are logged into your InstaCharts account. If you don’t have an account, sign up here.

Share Dialog

To open the Share dialog, click the Share button on the main toolbar. The Share dialog is also accessible through the File Menu.

On the left side menu of the Share dialog, make sure Chart is selected.

Share your chart from the Share Dialog This chart is currently not shared

Share Mode

There are two share modes accessed via the share toggle switch:

  • Private (Only you can access)
  • Public (Anyone with link can access)

To share your chart, toggle the share mode to Public. Anyone with the url will be able to view your interactive chart (no account needed).

If you no longer wish to share this chart, set it to private.

To share a chart with someone, copy the Interactive Chart URL and send it to them.

Share Options

If the chart is currently shared, options appear that allow you to customize the share.

Share Dialog options for a shared chart This chart is currently shared

Show Data

If this toggle is enabled, the data tab will be shown within the shared chart.

Show Chart

Sometimes you may want to share just data. Toggle Show Chart to the off position to share a data table only.

Show Editor Controls

Sometimes a dataset is best represented by multiple charts instead of just one. Enable the editor controls to allow a viewer to change chart axis, chart type and many other chart settings to change the chart that is displayed.

A shared chart with editor controls enabled This shared chart has the editor controls enabled, with both chart and data views enabled


Optionally change the title of the shared chart

Embed in a webpage

Charts can also be embedded into webpages. Under Embed in a webpage, copy the Embed Tag and paste it into an html webpage.