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Chart Text

Use the Chart Text panel to edit a chart’s title, subtitle, labels and legend. This panel contains many options to change the text within the chart.

The Chart Text panel opens from the left sidebar. Use it to update the text in the chart The Chart Text panel opens from the left sidebar. Use it to update the text in the chart

Chart Title

Edit the chart’s title. Titles can have multiple lines; insert a line break using the enter key.

Chart Subtitle

Add an optional subtitle to the chart.

Like titles, subtitles can have multiple lines; insert a line break using the enter key.

Title Align

The title and subtitle are center aligned by default. Change this setting to Left to left align the titles.

Axis Labels

  • Show Axis Labels Enable this setting to show X and Y Axis titles.

  • X or Y Axis Title The text to use as the axis’s title. If the Use Column name checkbox is checked, the title is automatically set to the selected column name of the axis. Uncheck the checkbox to provide a custom title.


Some charts such as the grouped charts or pie charts, automatically have legends drawn.

  • Show Legend Label Enable this setting to show a legend label above the legend (if the chart has one)

  • Legend Title The text to use as the legend’s title. If the Use Column name checkbox is checked, the title is automatically set to the selected column name of the group axis. Uncheck the checkbox to provide a custom title.

  • Legend Direction Set the direction to Vertical to have the legend on the right side of the chart. Set direction to Horizontal to have the legend items stacked horizontally across the top of the chart.

  • Legend Columns Set the number of columns in a vertical or horizontal legend.

Number Formatting

Number formatting is set to Auto Format by default. Toggle this option off to choose a different format for each numerical axis that contains numbers.


Use the Number & Currency Locale and Time Locale dropdowns to change the locale of numbers and dates within the chart. The default values are autodetected by your browser.