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Grouped Area Chart

A grouped area chart takes the standard area chart a step further by adding a grouping variable. This enables you to visualize trends and compare them across different categories simultaneously.

Grouped Area charts excel at comparing part to whole relationships.

An example of an embedded grouped area chart

Creating an Effective Grouped Area Chart

Below are the recommended data types to show on each axis:

  • X-Axis Dates
  • Y-Axis Numerical values
  • Group Axis Categorical data


  • Stacked area: Similar to a regular stacked area chart, multiple lines and shaded areas are layered on top of each other.
  • Grouping dimension: An additional variable in your data set determines the grouping. Each stack of area segments represents a separate category or group.
  • Colors and patterns: Different colors or patterns are typically used for each group’s stacked area, ensuring visual distinction and facilitating comparisons.
  • Axes: Two axes form the chart’s base: Horizontal axis (X-axis): Represents the continuous variable (often time). Vertical axis (Y-axis): Represents the values being measured.

When to use a Grouped Area Chart

  • Compare trends across groups: See how the trends of multiple datasets differ or evolve within each category.
  • Identify group-specific patterns: Analyze unique trends and variations within each group over time.
  • Understand cumulative totals: Observe how the value for each group accumulates over time and compare relative contributions.