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Pie Chart

A pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportional relationships between different parts of a whole. Each slice represents a category or segment of data, and its size (both in area and arc length) is proportional to the quantity it represents.

Pie Charts excel at showcasing simple part to whole relationships.

An example of an embedded pie chart

Creating an Effective Pie Chart

Below are the recommended data types to show on each axis:

  • X-Axis Categorical data
  • Y-Axis Numerical values


  • Circle: The foundation of the chart, representing the “whole” being divided.
  • Slices: Each slice signifies a specific category or group within the data.
  • Size: The area of each slice is proportional to the value it represents, reflecting its contribution to the whole.
  • Labels: Typically added to identify each category and its corresponding percentage or value.
  • Colors: Different colors are often used to differentiate slices and enhance visual appeal.

When to use a Pie Chart

  • Show proportion of parts to a whole: Effectively visualize how different components contribute to a single entity.
  • Focus on composition: Highlight the relative size of each category, making it easy to see which category is largest or smallest.
  • Communicate simple comparisons: Convey basic comparisons between a few categories at a glance.