Number Formatting
The Chart Text panel contains options to change the number formats used on each axis. There are 20 different numerical formats available, including a custom format.

Auto Format
Turn this off to manually select a format type for each numeric axis.
Available Number Formats
Below is a list of available number formats within InstaCharts.
The examples listed below are formatted using the USA locale (US-en).
Format Type | 0.053 | 1.4 | 1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
Abbr: All 4.2m | 0.1 | 1.4 | 1.7K | 1.5M | 1.5B | 1.5T |
Abbr: All 4.23m | 0.05 | 1.4 | 1.7K | 1.54M | 1.54B | 1.54T |
Abbr: Thousands 1.5k | 0K | 0.001K | 1.7K | 1539.04K | 1539040.111K | 1539040111.777K |
Abbr: Millions 1.5m | 0M | 0M | 0.002M | 1.539M | 1539.04M | 1539040.112M |
Abbr: Billions 1.5b | 0B | 0B | 0B | 0.002B | 1.539B | 1539.04B |
Abbr: Trillions 1.5t | 0T | 0T | 0T | 0T | 0.002T | 1.539T |
Integer: no separators 1234 | 0 | 1 | 1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
Integer: separators 1,234 | 0 | 1 | 1,700 | 1,539,040 | 1,539,040,111 | 1,539,040,111,777 |
Decimal: 54.12 | 0.05 | 1.40 | 1,700.00 | 1,539,040.00 | 1,539,040,111.00 | 1,539,040,111,777.00 |
Percent: 12% | 0.1% | 1.4% | 1,700% | 1,539,040% | 1,539,040,111% | 1,539,040,111,777% |
Percent: (x100) 1200% | 5.3% | 140% | 170,000% | 153,904,000% | 153,904,011,100% | 153,904,011,177,700% |
Currency: $3.50 | $0.05 | $1.40 | $1,700.00 | $1,539,040.00 | $1,539,040,111.00 | $1,539,040,111,777.00 |
Currency: Abbr All $650k | $0.05 | $1.4 | $1.7K | $1.54M | $1.54B | $1.54T |
Currency: Abbr Thousands $650k | $0K | $0.001K | $1.7K | $1539.04K | $1539040.111K | $1539040111.777K |
Currency: Abbr Millions $650m | $0M | $0M | $0.002M | $1.539M | $1539.04M | $1539040.112M |
Currency: Abbr Billions $650b | $0B | $0B | $0B | $0.002B | $1.539B | $1539.04B |
Currency: Abbr Trillions $650t | $0T | $0T | $0T | $0T | $0.002T | $1.539T |
Ordinal: 1st, 2nd, 3rd (not available in all locales) | 0th | 1st | 1,700th | 1,539,040th | 1,539,040,111th | 1,539,040,111,777th |
Bytes: Converts bytes into KB, MB, etc. Ex: 1.95KB | 0B | 1B | 2KB | 1MB | 1GB | 1TB |
Duration: Turns number of seconds into hours, minutes & seconds Ex: 0:04:59 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:01 | 0:28:20 | 427:30:40 | 427511:08:31 | 427511142:09:37 |
Custom Formats
InstaCharts also supports custom formats. To use a custom format, select the last option in the list, “Custom Format”. A text field will pop up where you can enter in format.
The simplest pattern format is 0
, and a common pattern is 0,0.[00]
. The numeral pattern rules include:
Number of decimal places: The
character turns on the option to show decimal places using a locale-specific decimal separator, most often.
. To add trailing zeroes such as 5.00, use a pattern like0.00
. To have optional zeroes, use the[]
characters. -
Thousands separator: The thousands separator turns on the option to group thousands using a locale-specific separator. The separator is most often
, and sometimes -
Accounting notation: Putting parentheses around your format like
will use accounting notation to show negative numbers. -
Abbreviations: Adding the abbreviation character
will abbreviate large numbers where possible. -
Percent: Adding the percent character
will multiply the number by 100 and add a percent sign. -
Currency: Adding the currency character
will show the number as a currency in the chosen locale. -
Positive Numbers: Adding a plus sign
will show a plus sign before positive numbers. -
Ordinal: Adding ordinal formatting
will convert the number to an ordinal number system (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). Not all locales support ordinal formatting. -
Bytes: Adding the bytes character
will convert the number as if it were a number of bytes, and use an appropriate suffix (KB, MB, GB, etc) -
Duration: Adding duration formatting
will convert the number as if it were a number of seconds, and display it as Hours:Minutes:Seconds. -
Custom: Encase the regular formatting rules in curly braces
; anything outside the curly braces will be copied over to the formatted number. Ex:{0.0} km/h
will format as4.5 km/h
Custom Format Examples
Numbers and Currency
Custom Format | 0.053 | 1.4 | -1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
+$0.[00]a | $+0.05 | $+1.4 | -$1.7K | $+1.54M | $+1.54B | $+1.54T |
$0.[00]a | $0.05 | $1.4 | -$1.7K | $1.54M | $1.54B | $1.54T |
0,0.[00]a $ | 0.05 $ | 1.4 $ | -1.7K $ | 1.54M $ | 1.54B $ | 1.54T $ |
+$0.[00]a | $+0.05 | $+1.4 | -$1.7K | $+1.54M | $+1.54B | $+1.54T |
(0,0.00) | 0.05 | 1.40 | (1,700.00) | 1,539,040.00 | 1,539,040,111.00 | 1,539,040,111,777.00 |
0,0.[000]% | 5.3% | 140% | -170,000% | 153,904,000% | 153,904,011,100% | 153,904,011,177,700% |
0 % | 5 % | 140 % | -170000 % | 153904000 % | 153904011100 % | 153904011177700 % |
0o | 0th | 1st | -1700th | 1539040th | 1539040111th | 1539040111777th |
Abbreviated Numbers
Convert large numbers into thousands, millions, billions and trillions.
Custom Format | 0.053 | 1.4 | -1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
0.00a | 0.05 | 1.40 | -1.70K | 1.54M | 1.54B | 1.54T |
0,0.[0]aK | 0K | 0K | -1.7K | 1,539.04K | 1,539,040.11K | 1,539,040,111.78K |
0,0.[0]aM | 0M | 0M | 0M | 1.54M | 1,539.04M | 1,539,040.11M |
0,0.[0]aB | 0B | 0B | 0B | 0B | 1.54B | 1,539.04B |
0,0.[0]aT | 0T | 0T | 0T | 0T | 0T | 1.54T |
Transform a number of bytes into megabytes, gigabites, etc.
Custom Format | 0.053 | 1.4 | -1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
0.00b | 0.05B | 1.40B | -1.66KB | 1.47MB | 1.43GB | 1.40TB |
0.00bb | 0.05B | 1.40B | -1.66KiB | 1.47MiB | 1.43GiB | 1.40TiB |
0.00bd | 0.05B | 1.40B | -1.70kB | 1.54MB | 1.54GB | 1.54TB |
0.00bitb | 0.05bit | 1.40bit | -1.66Kibit | 1.47Mibit | 1.43Gibit | 1.40Tibit |
0.00bitd | 0.05bit | 1.40bit | -1.70kbit | 1.54Mbit | 1.54Gbit | 1.54Tbit |
Convert number of seconds into a Hours:Minutes:Seconds format.
Custom Format | 0.053 | 1.4 | -1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
00:00:00 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:01 | -0:28:20 | 427:30:40 | 427511:08:31 | 427511142:09:37 |
Use curly braces {}
to add a prefix or suffix to your number’s format. Enclose the regular format within {}
, and put the prefix or suffix outside the braces.
Custom Format | 0.053 | 1.4 | -1700 | 1539040 | 1539040111 | 1539040111777 |
{0.0}% | 0.1% | 1.4% | -1700.0% | 1539040.0% | 1539040111.0% | 1539040111777.0% |
{0,0.[0]} km/h | 0.1 km/h | 1.4 km/h | -1,700 km/h | 1,539,040 km/h | 1,539,040,111 km/h | 1,539,040,111,777 km/h |
$USD {0,0.00} | $USD 0.05 | $USD 1.40 | $USD -1,700.00 | $USD 1,539,040.00 | $USD 1,539,040,111.00 | $USD 1,539,040,111,777.00 |